

Taipei Medical University Guidelines for Ph.D. Student Scholarship announcement





Should beneficiaries be qualified for both scholarships in accordance with TMU Graduate Student Scholarship Regulations and TMU International Graduate Student Scholarship Regulations and Qualifications, each beneficiary may only be awarded under one category in a given academic year.


1.培育優秀博士生獎學金申請受理窗口 Reception counter

學務處課外活動指導組 宋亞杰  分機2224  E-mail:song2424@tmu.edu.tw

Officice of Student Affairs Extracurricular Activities Section

SONG, YA-CHIEH(LAIT)+886-2-27361661 Ext.2224


2.受理申請時間 Application period

111年5月19日(四)10:00起 至 6月30日(四)17:00止,逾時恕不受理!

2022/05/19Begin 10 a.m. -2022/06/30 End 5 p.m. Overtime will not be accepted!

3.獎勵名額 Award Allocation


8 people

4.線上申請表單 Google Form


5.聲明書下載 Statement Download

中文聲明書  English Statement

評選標準表  Selection Criteria

6.申請資格 Eligibility 


Prospective students admitted to the TMU Ph.D. program as firstyear students for the Spring 2021 and Fall 2022 academic year and onward are eligible (excluding students who are from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao also students in the Continuing Studies Degree Program). Must be the full-time Ph.D. student. Applicants may apply during the first semester of the first academic year and must meet one of the following requirements:

(1) 本校碩士畢業生或逕修讀博士學位之學生。

Graduates of TMU master’s degree programs or students who intend to pursuit the TMU Ph.D. program after the first year of TMU master’s degree.

(2) 世界大學排名前250名學校之畢業生;世界大學排名之認定以收件截止日期之QS世界大學排名及THE(Times Higher Education)英國泰晤士高等教育世界大學排名為準。

Graduates from the world's top 250 universities based on the QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education World University Rankings, published as of the scholarship application deadline.

(3) 五年內以第一作者或通訊作者(含Equal Contribution) 發表SCIE、SSCI、EI或A&HCI論文者、以第二作者發表Journal Impact Factor ≥ 10之SCIE或SSCI論文者或其他相當於前述傑出表現。

Applicants must, within the past 5 years,

1. be the first author or corresponding author (including equal contribution) of a SCIE, SSCI, EI, or A&HCI original paper.

2. be the second author of a SCIE or SSCI original paper with a Journal Impact Factor of 10 or above.

3. achieve other outstanding performance equivalent to the above credentials.

(4) 曾獲科技部大專學生研究計畫。

Having received MOST Student Project awards.

7.需備資料 Information required

申請者本人郵局或銀行存摺影本 Applicant’s post office or bank deposit book copy (Taiwan)

最高學歷之畢業證書 Certificate of the highest level diploma of education attained

最高學歷之歷年成績單 Full academic transcripts of the highest level of education attained

臺北醫學大學培育優秀博士生獎學金聲明書 Taipei Medical University Ph.D. Student Scholarship Statement

評選標準表 Selection Criteria

其他有利審查之佐證資料 Other documents that may benefit the application